Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology in Alpharetta, GA
Looking for Applied Kinesiology in Alpharetta, GA? Holistic Health Center, P.C. provides comprehensive natural healthcare services to help you feel your best. Our team of practitioners will use the most advanced techniques and therapies to help address the cause of your symptoms. This is contrary to just treating the symptoms.
What is Applied Kinesiology?
To clarify this is a form of diagnosis which helps to determine the cause of a health problem. However you may also require traditional testing as well. Initially we test the muscular system and use it to communicate with the nervous system to find out what is wrong with the body. Firstly, the doctor will test a strong muscle on you after which they will stress an area of your body. Next your muscle being tested will simultaneously go weak, temporarily, if there is a problem in the area being stressed. Finally the doctor will apply a treatment to the stressed area of your body. Say the treatment is effective. In conclusion your muscle will be strong when tested. Typical examination findings may not detect what we are able to uncover using this method.
Who Would Benefit From This Form of Diagnosis?
People who have not responded to traditional medical care may have a functional problem. Said to you that “nothing is wrong” after seeing multiple doctors. Told “it is all in your head?” Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Lab tests are normal yet nothing feels normal. Realizing that most of the medications are just masking symptoms.