

Our Staff

Dr. Dellaria / Owner / Holistic Chiropractic Doctor

Advanced Specialized Education

In addition to his extensive educational background, Dr. Dellaria has currently enrolled into a Master's course in Functional Medicine to better help his patients in all aspects of holistic health.

Applied Kinesiology


Functional Endocrinology


Functional Neurology


Functional Medicine


Dr. Michael J. Dellaria, B.S., D.C., C.F.M.C

Holistic Chiropractic Doctor

" I specialize in treating patients with difficult conditions that have not responded to traditional medical care."

The founder of Holistic Health Center, P.C. and our main doctor at the practice. Dr. Dellaria strives for excellence at everything he does. Your health and happiness is his goal. Dr. Dellaria uses all that he has learned in his over 23 years of practice to help patients with conditions other doctors have not been able to help. He has a great passion for helping others and also making sure the practice is a happy, healthy environment.

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I am Dr. Michael Dellaria and I would like to share a life changing event that happened to me when I was in the 10th grade. I was running track in the conference finals and getting ready to leave the blocks. I remember it well “Runners to your marks, set, GO! The gun fired and I shot out from my starting position but as I did I heard a loud SNAP! I did not know it at the time but I had just broken the last bone in my spine in two pieces!!! My adrenaline allowed me to finish the race. I took third in the heat qualifying me to run in County’s next weekend yet I collapsed at the finish line only to be carried off by teammates.

     After this my back locked up like a board, I was in intense pain and it was all I could do to just hobble around with a limp. I used my Dad’s cane around the house and I had to get late passes to class because I couldn’t make it up the steps in school fast enough. I was used to running track everyday for 4 hours, playing soccer for 2hrs, working out and then passing out on my couch before doing homework and now I could do nothing. The medical doctor I went to see poked on me here and poked on me there and said “Did that hurt?”.  A very limited exam.  I didn’t have the words to describe “deep, stabbing, knife-like pain”.  He sent me home with about four different medications consisting of pain killers, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories. I took them the first night and they did NOTHING to stop the intense pain I was in. It felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing me with a sharp knife in my lower back. I did not bother taking the medications again. Everyday I had to pass my coach and teammates in the halls asking me when I would be back and that they needed me and everyday it just seemed further and further away. My girlfriend would ask me why I walked with my head down all the time and I said “I didn’t know”. I was falling into a deep depression. One of the things I was very good at had been taken from me and I derived much of my identity from it as some of us do when we are young.

     After 3 months I returned to the medical doctor and he recommended Physical Therapy as he stated my lower back muscles were not as strong as my abdominal muscles and that was why I was having the pain I was having. I was used to training 6 or more hours a day, I didn’t think I had any weak muscles in me but he was the expert. The doctor never x-rayed me so he didn’t know the last bone in my spine was in two pieces, my spinal cord exposed and the LAST thing I should have been doing was Physical Therapy. So I did P.T. 3x/wk for 6 months consisting of different exercises and massage therapy as well and at the end of which I felt exactly the same. I was still in intense pain, hobbling around and unable to run. I was devastated.

     Then looking through the yellow pages one day I saw an ad for a doctor, this one was different though. He was a Chiropractic Doctor! I had never heard of this, I asked my Dad if we could try this and he said “yes, of course”. I went to see Dr Lerner and he x-rayed my spine and did a full exam showing me where the one bone was in two pieces and that he would adjust the bone below it and above it in the hopes that these two pieces would come back together and heal. He adjusted my spine that day. I will never forget.  I immediately felt relief from pain for the first time in almost a year! I said “OH MY GOD thank you!”.  The next day some of the pain returned and so did I.  I saw Dr. Lerner 3 times per week for 6 months and then one time per week for 6 months. He even came to my house to adjust me when I was in too much pain to come to the office! At the end of the year I was completely pain-free.

     This experience created in me a deep desire to want to give back to people what was given to me. I asked Dr Lerner where the best school was and he said Life is known as the best Chiropractic School in the world. I set my sights on Life College of Chiropractic now Life University and never looked back. It wasn’t until I started my internship and was x-rayed again that something interesting was found. The bone in my spine that was broken in two had completely healed! The chances of this are extremely rare. So much so that they used my x-rays as teaching films in the spinal anatomy classes. I truly believe this was Gods way of putting me on my life’s path. I want you all to know that I do my very best to provide you with the highest level of care. I constantly seek to learn more, utilizing cutting edge technologies and treatment methods in the most efficient ways I can find.

     This is the story that changed my life.  I believe God has a way of answering our prayers.  I wanted to know my life’s purpose.  Although extremely painful I am so very grateful.  I had broken the last bone in my spine in 2 pieces.  I went from running, playing soccer and lifting weights to hobbling around my house at about 15 yrs old. A chiropractic doctor adjusted me and this allowed the bones to come closer together and heal. This created a deep desire in me to want to give back to people what had been given to me.  I truly believe this is what I was meant to do and it gives me great happiness seeing others attain the same results, which is – getting their lives back.

Yours in health,

Dr. Michael J. Dellaria, B.S., D.C.


Dr. Dellaria‘s education and training consisted of both in school, outside of school and continuing post graduate studies. Dr. Dellaria’s education, skills and knowledge continue to grow each year due to his passion to continue to learn.  He focuses on Holistic Chiropractic Care, Applied Kinesiology and Functional Endocrinology.

Through the use of Applied Kinesiology Dr. Dellaria is able to assess the nervous system through the muscular system.  By using the muscular system as a feedback system we start with a strong muscle and then proceed to stress a part of the body and then retest that strong muscle, if there is a problem with the area of the body being stressed this sends a negative signal from that part of the body to the brain and then to the strong muscle being tested.  This negative signal weakens the muscle being tested temporarily letting the practitioner know there is problem with the area of the body being stressed.  The practitioner then makes a correction or treatment to the area being stressed.  Once the correction has been made the practitioner then stresses the area again and retests the muscle originally tested for any signs of weakness, if the proper treatment was employed the muscle will now test strong, if not the muscle will continue to test weak when this area of the body is stressed and another treatment will need to be applied to the area or perhaps a different treatment.  This is continued until all areas of the body stressed result in a strong muscle being tested.  This is an extremely thorough form of diagnosis and has taken many years to achieve the level of proficiency he has in this technique.  This helps Dr. Dellaria treat conditions he normally would not be able to treat, achieve results faster than he would normally be able to attain and find hidden problems with body that otherwise would not have been found.

The chiropractic adjustments restore the brains communication to the muscles, organs and glands without which very little would be possible in terms of healing and repair.  Through the use of an instrument called the variable pulse adjuster, Dr. Dellaria lightly adjusts the bones of the spine back into correct alignment through a series of light taps the instrument makes.  Dr. Dellaria finds this more effective than manual adjusting of the spine in terms of less stress to the tissues.  Since it requires less force to make the correction of the spine using the instrument he finds patients are typically not very sore after adjustments and they tend to hold their corrections for longer periods of time.  Also, for those patients who are apprehensive to having manual adjustments, they typically have no concerns with getting the instrument adjustment.

Dr. Dellaria uses Functional Endocrinology to address dysfunction of the organs and glands using a functional approach. Dr. Dellaria is trained in functional blood work analysis.  This differs from traditional medical blood work analysis which looks for disease and pathology which requires medical intervention such as medications or emergency treatment.  Such as identifying blood sugar irregularities and correcting them before they lead to diabetes, uncovering dysfunction in the liver before permanent changes have occurred to it, i.e. cirrhosis, locating the beginnings of anemia before it can be detected medically and while it can still be corrected. Functional blood work analysis searches for functional problems with the organs and glands which can lead to disease and pathology.  By addressing these problems in the blood chemistry early on we can most often avoid the need for medication or other emergency care intervention.  Should conditions in the blood chemistry already warrant the need for medical supervision then Dr. Dellaria can work with the medical doctor in supporting the organs and glands to help restore proper function to them through the use of therapeutic grade nutritional supplements.  Once normal function is restored to the organ or gland medication may no longer be needed.

Dr. Dellaria uses a holistic chiropractic approach bringing together all aspects of the body and how they affect one another because they do.  He practices in Alpharetta at Holistic Health Center, P.C.


National Board Certification – Doctor of Chiropractic – 2001

License to Practice Chiropractic – State of Georgia # 006946

License to Practice Chiropractic – State of New York # 010325

Certification in Physiological Therapeutics

Certification in Radiology

Brimhall Certified Practitioner – 2005

Dr. Dellaria’s EDUCATION:

Chiropractic School: Life University, Degree: Doctor of Chiropractic – 1997-2001

Undergraduate Studies: Life University, Degree: B.S. Biology – 2001-2002 (completed after doctorate degree)

Undergraduate Studies: Suffolk Community College, Degree: Assoc. in Applied Sciences – 1994-1997 (1 year towards B.S.)


International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK):

  • ·  Essentials of Applied Kinesiology 100 hour course completion 1999

The Brimhall Protocol with Dr. John Brimhall, DC:

  • ·  Brimhall Basic to Advanced Applied Kinesiology 2000-2005 (132hrs of Course work)
  • Brimhall Advanced Applied Kinesiology 2006-2011 (132hrs of Course work)
  • Became a Brimhall Certified Practitioner in 2005 (20hrs Course work)
  • 384 hours of coursework in Applied Kinesiology

Brimhall continued education in Applied Kinesiology 2001-2011


Dr. Janet Lang’s Coursework on Restorative Endocrinology

  • ·  The Adrenal-Gut Connection: Stress and Adrenal Imbalance – 2011 (12hr Course)
  • ·  Managing Endometriosis and Fibroids – 2011 (12hr Course)
  • ·  Endocrine Wellness of Cycling Women – 2011 (12hr Course)


– 36 hours total of continuing education


Began studying coursework on Functional Endocrinology, NeuroEndocrine Disorders and Biochemistry by Dr Datis Kharrazian, DC, DHSc, MS, MNeuroSci, FACFN, FABVR, FAACP, DACNB,


  • Coursework covered natural approaches to addressing thyroid health and restoring function to the gland
  • Implications of common drugs on thyroid health and altered biochemistry as a result
  • Proper supplemental nutritional support to help re-establish gut, immune and brain barriers
  • Natural approaches to balancing brain chemistry
  • Natural approaches to restoring function to the Adrenal glands
  • Proper supplemental nutritional support and protocols to address and support auto-immune conditions such as Hashimotos

September 2012 – Completed 22hr course on Mastering the Thyroid

– Designed to help clinicians master the concepts of thyroid physiology, assessment and clinical applications.

  • Coursework covered Thyroid-Immune-Nervous System crosstalk and its clinical applications
  • The impact of thyroid hormones on every major physiological process
  • A step-by-step thyroid physical exam
  • A complete review of the literature on natural ingredients that support or disrupt thyroid function
  • A discussion of 24 common and newly highlighted patterns in thyroid imbalances
  • Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support thyroid function

November 2012 – Completed 7hr course on the Brains development and Aging by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

November 2012 – Completed 2hr course on Chiropractic Ethics by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

December 2012 – Completed 2hr course on Sexual Boundaries by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

December 2012 – Completed 1hr course on Jurisprudence & GA Law by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

– 34 hours total of continuing education


January – April 2013 completed 30hrs of study in Functional Neurology by Dr. Michael Johnson, D.C. and Dr. Andy Barlow, D.C.

July 2013 – completed 16hr course on Fundamentals of Functional Blood Chemistry by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

– Designed to review the primary concepts of human physiology, laboratory biomarkers and blood chemistry patterns.

Topics Included:

– Introduction to blood chemistry concepts and principles

– How to evaluate a complete blood count, chemistry-24, thyroid panel and lipid profile

– When to order special tests and studies

– The biochemistry of blood glucose issues, cardiovascular risk, red blood cell problems, immune complications and

thyroid, renal and hepatic imbalances

– Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support various organs and metabolic systems

July – Sept 2013 – completed studying and reading the book “Why my brain isn’t Working” 483pgs by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

July – October 2013 – completed studying and reading course manual from Fundamentals of Functional Blood Chemistry 500pgs

by Dr Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

November 2013 – completed 7hr course on the Neuroendocrine Immunology of Immune and Environmental Triggers

by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

– Coursework covered the impact of environmental toxins and pollutants on human health.

– Reviewed the growing science of immune chemical tolerance and examined how this relates to systemic inflammation, autism,

autoimmunity and various degenerative conditions.

– Various models of toxicity were critically evaluated as well as current therapy options such as chelation.

– Laboratory evaluation of chemical autoantibodies and the roles they play with human self-tissue autoimmunity were also


Topics included:

– Covered the 10 most common pollutants in the environment.

– The physiological mechanisms that environmental pollutants have on our nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

– How the quantitative model of environmental toxins varies from the model of immune-chemical tolerance.

– How to evaluate chemical autoantibodies and their potential clinical correlations.

– How the model of immune-chemical tolerance varies form hepatic biotransformation

– The issues, concerns and potential adverse reactions from chelation therapy

– Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support the immune system.

December 2013 – completed 7hr course on Autoimmune Signaling Systems and Blood Glucose Issues by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

– 53 hours total of continuing education for the year


February 2014 – completed 23hr course on Mastering Brain Chemistry by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

– Coursework was designed to review the key concepts of brain chemistry, recognize patterns of imbalances, recognize cases

that may need to be referred for further consult or evaluation and improve overall clinical competency in neurochemical

assessment.  A review of brain neurochemistry and neurodegeneration disorders was followed by clinical insights.

Topics included:

– Critical evaluation of neurotransmitter testing

– A review of neurodegenerative mechanisms related to alpha-synuclein, beta-amyloid, tau proteins, etc.

– The association between mitochondrial uncoupling and neurodegenerative disorders.

– Nitric oxide isomer expression and its role in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration

– The blood glucose connection to the brain and its degeneration

– The brain-gut axis and brain-immune axis

– The role of dietary peptides and gluten sensitivity in neurological disorders

– Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support the brain

March 2014 – completed 2hr course on the Neurological causes of Dizziness and Vertigo by Dr. Michael Johnson

and other related studies 5hr

Topics included:

– Proper neurological assessment of patients that present with dizziness or vertigo

– How to isolate what region of the brain is not functioning properly

– How to provide effective and corrective brain based therapy to restore that portion of the brain to normal function

– Common signs and symptoms associated with dizziness and vertigo

– Other corrective procedures to employ if needed such as Epley’s maneuver and how to perform it “correctly”

– A review of the spinal tracts and neurological pathways involved with these symptoms

– Clinical case study reviews

– A review of clinical outcomes and treatment protocols to correct these conditions

February – September 2014 – completed studying and reading course manual from Mastering Brain Chemistry Course 500pgs

by Dr Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

September 2014 – completed 7 hour course on Exercise & Degenerative Conditions, Early Signs of Brain Degeneration

by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

Coursework examined how the use of specific exercise modalities can support athletic performance and decrease the

expression of neurodegenerative conditions.

The Neuroendocrine Immunology of Exercise

Topics included:

– The impact of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, brain health, the positive and negative endocrine shifts

that may occur

– Information on immunometabolism, including the role the immune system plays in metabolism and weight gain.

– When to use and not use exercise as a healthy strategy for patients

Early Signs of Brain Degeneration

Topics included:

– How to recognize the earliest signs of the most common degenerative diseases that impact memory and cognition.

– How to recognize the earliest signs of the most common degenerative diseases that impact posture and movement.

– Review of the relevant literature and assessment tools.

November 2014 – Completed 2hr course on Chiropractic Ethics by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

November 2014 – Completed 2hr course on Sexual Boundaries by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

November 2014 – Completed 1hr course on Jurisprudence & GA Law by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

– 37 hours total of continuing education for the year


January 2015 – completed 23hr course on Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

Topics included:

– Understanding the use of markers such as electrophoresis, peripheral blood smear, genotype testing, etc.

– A review of the pH bicarbonate buffering system and the role it plays with the anion gap, electrolytes and metabolism.

– A comprehensive system to evaluate transaminase and liver markers.

– A detailed understanding of acute-phase protein reactants, markers and mechanisms of influence.

– How to identify intestinal permeability and understand the role it plays in other blood chemistry mechanisms.

– The relationship among the endocrine, hepatic, immune and other bodily systems when evaluating blood chemistry.

October 2015 – completed 2hr course on Introduction to Communicable Diseases by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

October 2015 – completed 1hr course on Georgia Jurisprudence by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

October 2015 – completed 2hr course on Insurance Coding by Dr. Guy Annunziata, D.C.

– 28 hours total of continuing education for the year


July 2016 – completed 23hr course on Mastering Brain Chemistry by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

-2nd time taking this course with updated information, refreshers are always good!

– Coursework was designed to review the key concepts of brain chemistry, recognize patterns of imbalances, recognize cases

that may need to be referred for further consult or evaluation and improve overall clinical competency in neurochemical

assessment.  A review of brain neurochemistry and neurodegeneration disorders was followed by clinical insights.

Topics included:

– Critical evaluation of neurotransmitter testing

– A review of neurodegenerative mechanisms related to alpha-synuclein, beta-amyloid, tau proteins, etc.

– The association between mitochondrial uncoupling and neurodegenerative disorders.

– Nitric oxide isomer expression and its role in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration

– The blood glucose connection to the brain and its degeneration

– The brain-gut axis and brain-immune axis

– The role of dietary peptides and gluten sensitivity in neurological disorders

– Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support the brain

December 2016 – completed 1hr course on Ethics through Online CE Chirocredit

December 2016 – completed 1hr course on GA Board Rules through Online CE Chirocredit

December 2016 – completed 3hr course on Risk through Online CE Chirocredit

– 28 hours total of continuing education for the year


August 2017 – Completed 20hr course on Mastering the Thyroid

-2nd time taking this course with updated information, refreshers are always good!

– Designed to help clinicians master the concepts of thyroid physiology, assessment and clinical applications. There is no area in the field of functional wellness that is more outdated than thyroid assessment and management. This course helps to redefine how practitioners address the thyroid.

  • Coursework covered Thyroid-Immune-Nervous System crosstalk and its clinical applications
  • The impact of thyroid hormones on every major physiological process
  • A step-by-step thyroid physical exam
  • A complete review of the literature on natural ingredients that support or disrupt thyroid function
  • A discussion of 24 common and newly highlighted patterns in thyroid imbalances
  • Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support thyroid function

December 2017 – completed 2hr course on Ethics through Online CE Chirocredit

December 2017 – completed 1hr course on GA Board Statutes through Online CE Chirocredit

December 2017 – completed 2hr course on Risk through Online CE Chirocredit

– 25 hours total of continuing education for the year


February 2018 – completed 23hr course on Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

-2nd time taking this course with updated information, refreshers are always good!

Topics included:

– Understanding the use of markers such as electrophoresis, peripheral blood smear, genotype testing, etc.

– A review of the pH bicarbonate buffering system and the role it plays with the anion gap, electrolytes and metabolism.

– A comprehensive system to evaluate transaminase and liver markers.

– A detailed understanding of acute-phase protein reactants, markers and mechanisms of influence.

– How to identify intestinal permeability and understand the role it plays in other blood chemistry mechanisms.

– The relationship among the endocrine, hepatic, immune and other bodily systems when evaluating blood chemistry.

April 2018 – completed reading the book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz – 450 pages

Wow, just wow! What an amazing book.  I must say this book took me forever to finish (about 2 months).  This wasn’t because it was boring.  I’ve read textbooks faster than I read this book.  The amount of information in this book is incredible.  Also this mans understanding and explanation of physiology is profound.  I spend my days in practice attempting to explain complex physiologic processes on basic levels.  Well Andreas helped do that for me while reading this book.

Topics include:

– How to safely flush the liver and gall bladder of unwanted fatty and sometimes calcified stones while avoiding surgery.

– Why we accumulate these stones to begin with.

– What effect a liver clogged with fatty stones and a gall bladder congested with calcified stones has on our health.

– How to change your diet so you do not accumulate these stones again in the future.

– The profound effect cleansing your liver, gall bladder, colon and kidneys has on your body and your health.

– How often one should look to cleanse these organs.

– You will be amazed just how many diseases and conditions stem from stones built up in your liver and gall bladder.

May 2018 – completed 2hr course on The Neuroendocrine Immunology of Mucosal Immunity by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

Within the gastrointestinal tract is a complex immune system that is typically oversimplified and not well understood by many healthcare providers.

In this new cutting-edge seminar, Dr. Datis Kharrazian will present a detailed perspective of how mucosal immune function impacts brain function and mood, weight loss and metabolism, heart disease, and endocrine function and will include a comprehensive review of the latest literature. A detailed understanding of the secretory IgA (SIgA) immunity and how to measure dysfunction in mucosal immune reactions using specific laboratory tests will be presented. Nutritional, dietary and lifestyle strategies to support mucosal health in a clinical setting will be discussed

Topics included:

– How the mucosal immune system develops from birth to childhood and throughout the lifespan

– How mucosal immune function impacts metabolism and obesity in the field of immunometabolics

– Recent research on how mucosal immunity impacts atherosclerosis and heart disease

– The glutathione connection to mucosal function, intestinal microbiome, and inflammatory reactions

– How the mucosal immune system communicates with the brain through various cytokines and peptides and impacts memory, mood, and degenerative                changes in the brain

– How to evaluate mechanisms of the mucosal immune system

– Clinical strategies to support mucosal immune health with diet, nutrition, and lifestyle

October 2018 – completed 1hr course on Risk Management Considerations of Patient Financial Matters through Online CE Chirocredit

Topics included:

  • Utilize proper compliant documentation
  • Evaluate federal guidelines regarding discounting and/or hardship
  • Apply guidelines to ensure accuracy for both active and maintenance treatment

October 2018 – completed 1hr course on A Comprehensive Review of GA Rules through Online CE Chirocredit

Topics included:

  • Comprehend Georgia Board of Chiropractice Board Rules 100-1-.01 through 100-17-.01
  • Apply Georgia Board of Chiropractice Board Rules 100-1-.01 through 100-17-.01 to your clinical practice
  • Reduce potential risk exposures that may lead to complaints by the public and/or actions being taken against you by the Chiropractic Board
  • Engage in practice by per the Georgia Board of Chiropractice Board Rules

October 2018 – completed 2hr course on The Law of Health Care Malpractice through Online CE Chirocredit

Topics included:

  • List the external and internal factors affecting the exposure to malpractice liability
  • Describe the legal basis for imposing malpractice liability of a patient injury
  • Define the concept of abandonment
  • Outline the four elements needed to prove malpractice
  • Compare and contrast ordinary negligence versus professional negligence
  • Explain vicarious liability
  • Summarize defenses to malpractice actions
  • Describe the importance of patient care documentation

October 2018 – completed 1hr course on Protect Your Practice with Innovative Risk Management Techniques through Online CE Chirocredit

Topics included:

  • Analyze charges and documentation on a daily or per visit basis to ensure accuracy and compliance
  • Compile accurate and comprehensive responses to documentation or record requests
  • Recognize and avoid confusing HIPAA privacy issues that can cost you time and money
  • Identify key areas that lack written policies causing increased risk in the practice
  • Evaluate your current written procedures and appraise the need for additional content

December 2018 – completed 4 hour documentary “The Truth about Detox” by Ty Bollinger

  • Reviewed the importance of making sure all organs of detoxification and elimination are working properly and how to know when they are not
  • How to detox the colon, kidneys, liver, gall bladder and lymphatic system.
  • How to make juicing part of your everyday detox
  • Interviews with some of the top minds in the holistic field as to what they recommend as part of a detox program and the effects of not detoxing the body.
  • Describes the two theories of disease – the “Germ Theory” and the “Cellular Theory”. Many do not know of the second theory yet it is the theory the natural field of health subscribes to.
  • Packed with an amazing amount of information

December 2018 – completed the Living Foods Revolution by Cherie Calbom, 230 pages.

  • Reviewed the importance of juicing as a way of life not just as something you do once in a while.
  • How juicing can make dramatic changes to your health in a relatively short period of time.
  • How to find the right juicer
  • How to shoot for 60-80% raw food in your diet. 100% is for most not realistic and will cause you to stop everything.
  • Overall a very informative and interesting book.  Also what an incredible life story this woman has to share, how juicing changed her life.

– 34 hours total of continuing education for the year


February 2019 – Completed reading the 200 page manual to the course on Mastering the Thyroid

Topics included:

  • Thyroid Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Thyroid-Immune Crosstalk
  • Thyroid-Brian Crosstalk
  • Thyroid-Endocrine Crosstalk
  • Thyroid Interactions
  • Thyroid Examination
  • Thyroid Evaluation
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Medications that Impact Thyroid Physiology
  • Thyroid Hormone Replacement
  • Autoimmune Thyroid Connection
  • 24 Different Thyroid Patterns

June 2019 – Completed 1 hour course on Georgia Jurisprudence through DC Hours

June 2019 – Completed 2 hour course on Proper Documentation through DC Hours

June 2019 – Completed 2 hour course on Sexual Boundaries through DC Hours

July 2019 – Completed reading the 205 page book The GP and the Endocrine Glands by Dr. Louis L. Rubel

This was an amazing book detailing the complex and intricate relationship each organ and gland has with one another.  Also reviewed holistic treatments to resolve organ and gland imbalances using therapeutic grade nutritional supplements and glandulars.

Topics included:

  • Proteins
  • Liver
  • Glandular Relationships
  • Pituitary Gland
  • Thyroid Gland
  • Pancreas
  • Adrenal Gland
  • Gonads
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • Obesity
  • Gamma Globulins

Sept 2019 – Completed a 16 hour course on Eye Movement Disorders and how to retrain the brain through eye exercises.

Taught by Dr. Cedric Noel, DC, DACNB, FABCDD.

Topics covered:

  • Review of vision and eye movements in proper posture, movement, balance and stability.
  • The six different eye movement systems
  • How to stimulate and retrain different parts of the brain through different eye movement therapies.
  • The connection between the eyes and the spine
  • Reviewed multiple case studies
  • Heart Rate Variability Testing
  • Ventricular Decompression Technique

– 21 hours total of continuing education for the year


Feb 2020 – completed 23 hour course on Mastering Brain Chemistry by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

-3rd time taking this course with updated information, refreshers are always good!

– Coursework was designed to review the key concepts of brain chemistry, recognize patterns of imbalances, recognize cases

that may need to be referred for further consult or evaluation and improve overall clinical competency in neurochemical

assessment.  A review of brain neurochemistry and neurodegeneration disorders was followed by clinical insights.

Topics included:

– Critical evaluation of neurotransmitter testing

– A review of neurodegenerative mechanisms related to alpha-synuclein, beta-amyloid, tau proteins, etc.

– The association between mitochondrial uncoupling and neurodegenerative disorders.

– Nitric oxide isomer expression and its role in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration

– The blood glucose connection to the brain and its degeneration

– The brain-gut axis and brain-immune axis

– The role of dietary peptides and gluten sensitivity in neurological disorders

– Dietary, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to support the brain

– 23 hours total of continuing education


May 2020 – completed 12 hour course on Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by Dr. Datis Kharrazian, D.C.

– Reviewed thyroid basics and lab tests

– Reviewed autoimmune thyroid basics

– Reviewed thyroid cross-reactivity and dietary proteins

– Reviewed thyroid autoimmunity and the role of anti-thyroid antibodies

– Reviewed microbiota and thyroid interactions

– Reviewed thyroid autoimmunity and additional thyroid diseases

– Reviewed thyroid hormone regulation and metabolism

– Reviewed thyroid case studies

– 35 hours total of continuing education

Oct 2020 – Completed 1 hour course on Georgia Jurisprudence through DC Hours

Oct 2020 – Completed 2 hour course on Chiropractic Ethics through DC Hours

Oct 2020 – Completed 2 hour course on An Introduction to Communicable Diseases through DC Hours

– 35 hours total of continuing education


October 16-18 2020 – Completed 25 hr Course in Neurochemistry and Nutrition – Module One – Core Concepts and Principles of Clinical Neurochemistry by the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies

Concepts covered;

  • Brain function, micro and macro structure
  • Neuron and synapse structure & physiology
  • Blood-Brain Barrier
  • The internal biochemical environment of the neuron – abnormal, normal and transneuronal degeneration
  • Neural membranes
  • Neuron Bioenergetics
  • Neurotransmission – receptors and neurotransmitters
  • Disorders of the membranes, energetics and neurotransmission
  • Diaschisis
  • Excitotoxicity – factors for and against
  • Neurochemistry in translation – physical exam, symptom and neurological findings
  • Clinical conditions discussed – epilepsy, stroke, pain
  • Laboratory testing and Interpretation – Comprehesive Metabolic Panel, Magnesium, CBC with Differential

– 60 hours total of continuing education


November 14-15 2020 – completed 12 hour course in Infertility, Prenatal Care and Maternal Health Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education approved by the National University of Health Sciences.

Concepts covered:

  • Introduction and Pathophysiology of Infertility
  • The Physiological Web of Infertility
  • Diet, Nutrition and Lifestyle Interventions for Infertility
  • Nutraceutical Approaches for Infertility
  • Prenatal and Maternal Health Concepts and Clinical Strategies
  • How to Perform a Comprehensive Evaluation for Infertility
  • How to Clinically Manage Patients Suffering from Infertility
  • Infertility Clinical Case Studies
  • Review of Concepts covered and questions answered

– 72 hours total of continuing education for the year


May 2021 – Completed 12 hour course on Cognitive Decline and Dementia Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

 – Neuroanatomy of Memory        – Executive Functions

– Working Memory                          – Amyloid Plaques

– Task Switching                              – Alzheimers Disease

– Cognitive Inhibition                      – Neurofibrillary Tangles

– Levels of Cognitive Impairment  – Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

– Types of Dementia                        – VisioSpatial Function


May 2021 – Completed 2 hour course on Chiropractic Ethics through DC hours

May 2021 – Completed 2 hour course on Healthcare Compliance through DC hours

May 2021 – Completed 1 hour course on Georgia Jurisprudence through DC hours

 – 17 hours total of continuing education


Nov 2021 – Completed 12 hour course on Neuroinflammation Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Neuroinflammation Concepts

- Understanding Clinical Severities of Neuroinflammation

- Lifestyle and Dietary Approaches for Neuroinflammation

- Microglia Pathophysiology and Nutraceutical Strategies

- Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Clinical Applications

- How to Evaluate Neuroinflammation in a Clinical Setting

- Neuroinflammatory Clinical Case Studies

– 29 hours total of continuing education


Dec 2021 – Completed 12 hour course on Autoimmunity Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Review of Basic Immunology and Autoimmunity

- Fundamental Concepts of Autoimmunity

- Infections and Autoimmunity

- Environmental and Lifestyle Triggers for Autoimmunity

- How to Perform a Comprehensive Evaluation of Patients Suffering from Autoimmunity

- How to Clinically Manage Patients Suffering from Autoimmunity

- Autoimmunity Clinical Case Studies

– 41 hours total of continuing education for the year




Jan 2022 - Enrolled in a Clinical Mastership Program in Functional Medicine through the Kharrazian Institute.  A 300+ hour program.  This consists of 100+ hours of Clinical Case Studies called Grand Rounds and the remaining 200+ hours are in Clinical Courses on various health related topics.

Module 1 - 9hr Course - Case Study Grand Round: Heart attack and systemic autoimmune disease

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview   - Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Vit D

- Patient History - Exam Findings - Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Practice Audit

- Treatment Plan Review   - Physical Examination Skills Review - Circulation

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Glyphosates with Dr. Seneff 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview -Dr. Turnpaugh

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 3rd Month Follow Up     - Patient Update and Case Closure


– 9 hours total of continuing education


Jan 2022 – Completed 12 hour course on Gastrointestinal Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- A Comprehensive Review of How the Gastrointestinal System Works and How it Impacts Human Health

- The Clinical Mechanisms of Digestive Dysfunction

- The Clinical Role of Intestinal Permeability and Endotoxemia

- The Microbiome and its Specific Applications to Clinical Practice

- Clinical Mechanisms for Unresponsive and Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders

- How to Clinically Evaluate Gastrointestinal Disorders Step-by-Step

- How to Develop Treatment Programs for Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

- Gastrointestinal Clinical Case Studies


– 21 hours total of continuing education



Feb 2022 - Module 2 - 16hr Case Study Grand Round: Exhaustion and dizziness after a viral infection into the brainstem and cranial nerves from 4 years ago. (Ramsey Hunt Syndrome)

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Platelets and thrombocytosis

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Cancellation Fees

- Treatment Plan Review   - Physical Examination Skills Review – Thyroid physical exam

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Stone 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – President of Apex Energetics

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 18th Month Follow Up


– 37 hours total of continuing education

Feb 2022 - Module 3 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 33yr old male with chronic gastrointestinal dysfunction for 10yrs with limited clinical outcomes to dietary changes and nutraceutical supplements.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls - Macrocytosis

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Staying on time with patients

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Upper Motor Neuron Lesions exam

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Pizzorno 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Steadman

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls


– 45 hours total of continuing education


Mar 2022 - Module 4 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 17yr old female with anxiety and panic attacks

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Serum Iron Markers

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – When it is time to refer

- Treatment Plan Review   - Physical Examination Skills Review – Olfactory exam

- Clinical Expert Series Interview  - Dr. Lipski

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Doringer

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 3rd Monthly Follow Up


– 53 hours total of continuing education


Apr 2022 - Module 5 - 11hr Case Study Grand Round: 47yr old with chronic gastrointestinal bloating, chronic anxiety, chronic pain and progressive loss of memory.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Acute Phase Reactants

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Patients who cannot comply with care

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Evaluation of Muscle Tone

- Clinical Expert Series Interview  - Monique Class

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Hughes

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 1yr, 17 month, 18 month Follow Up


– 64 hours total of continuing education


Apr 2022 – Completed a 12 hour course on Chronic Fatigue & Pain by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Cellular and Physiological Bioenergetics

- The Clinical Evaluation of Fatigue Syndromes

- Treatment Applications of Fatigue Syndromes

- The Connection Between Pain, Depression and Pain Syndromes

- The Neurophysiology of Pain Syndromes

- Clinical Evaluation of Pain Syndromes

- Clinical Treatment of Pain Syndromes

- Clinical Case Studies of Chronic Fatigue and Pain Syndromes


– 76 hours total of continuing education


May 2022 - Module 6 - 9hr Case Study Grand Round: 64yr old with chronic systemic body pain, weakness and swelling in legs, headaches, migraines, heartburn and dizziness.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Understanding B12 and B9 markers

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Patient input

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Finger Targeting Testing

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Palanisamy

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Luby

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 3rd Monthly Follow Up

- Case Study – Update


– 85 hours total of continuing education


June 2022 - Module 7 - 11hr Case Study Grand Round: 61yr old female diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and progressive dystonia and stiffness.  Recently developed anxiety and panic attacks.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Serum Protein Electrophoresis

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to avoid Burnout

- Additional Video – Case management with an unsupportive spouse

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Neurological Handwriting Evaluation

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Evans 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Toups

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 8th, 14th, 15th Month Follow Up


– 96 hours total of continuing education


July 2022 - Module 8 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 35yr old female suffering form chronic fatigue and asthma.  She wants to optimize her health for pregnancy.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Anemia of chronic inflammation and disease

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to determine the frequency of follow ups

- Additional Video – How to understand the clinical thought process versus protocols

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Evaluation of Auditory Pathways

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Apigian

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Musnick

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 3rd, 9th, 15 Month Follow Up


– 104 hours total of continuing education


July 2022 – Completed a 12 hour course on Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Syndromes Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Syndromes

- Vascular Pathophysiology

- The Physiological Web of Vascular Disease

- Nutraceuticals that Impact Vascular Health

- Environmental, Dietary and Lifestyle Risk Factors for Vascular Disease

- How to Clinically Evaluate Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Syndromes

- How to Clinically Manage Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Syndromes

- Clinical Case Studies of Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Disorders

– 116 hours total of continuing education


Aug 2022 - Module 9 - 10hr Case Study Grand Round: 51 yr old female suffering from Hashimoto’s, anxiety, insomnia, episodes of depression and extreme fatigue, brain fog, body “zaps”, neck pulsations and very low blood pressure.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Evaluation of Cortisol Salivary Profiles

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to determine the atmosphere of your front office and staff

- Additional Video – Don’t compare yourself to other clinicians

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Ophthalmoscopy and significance in chronic disease

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Bland 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Clark

- Patient 1st Month Follow Up     - Patient 9th Month Follow Up

- Patient 12th and 16th Month Follow Up


– 126 hours total of continuing education


Sept 2022 - Module 10 - 11hr Case Study Grand Round: 35yr old female diagnosed with Grave’s Disease and treated with radioactive iodine therapy.  Post treatment experiencing both hypo and hyper thyroidism.  Developed cognitive impairment, reduced stamina and systemic inflammation.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Evaluation of essential acid profiles

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to outline treatment plans to improve patient outcomes and compliance

- Additional Video – It is normal to doubt yourself, unrecognized appreciation from patients, adding new labs into your practice.

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – Dix-Hallpike Maneuver to evaluate benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the most common cause of vertigo.

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Wahls 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Holthouse

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 3rd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient 8th, 12th and 14th Month Follow Up


– 137 hours total of continuing education


Oct 2022 - Module 11 - 11hr Case Study Grand Round: 28 yr old male suffering from chronic gastrointestinal problems.  He has constant bloating and pain that started in high school into college and now his adult life.  He has seen numerous other practitioners.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Serum Lipid Phenotype testing

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to develop a clinical management plan

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to identify brain based physical injuries

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Newman, President of Precision Analytical Labs, Creator of the DUTCH hormone panel

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Shojai

- Patient 1st Monthly Follow Up     - Patient 2nd Monthly Follow Up

- Patient’s 5th, 15th, and 16th Month Follow Up


– 148 hours total of continuing education


Nov 2022 - Module 12 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 42 yr old male suffering from bipolar disorder, chronic gastrointestinal difficulties, fatigue, depression, and brain fog.  He has tried many changes to his diet and many different nutraceuticals with limited change to his symptoms.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Evaluation of Immune Reactivity Panel

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to work through a clinical crisis

- Additional Video – How to handle patients with nutraceutical sensitivities.

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to evaluate brain-gut axis dysfunction

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Larson 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Bradley

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up     - Patients 6th Month Follow Up


– 156 hours total of continuing education


Dec 2022 - Module 13 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 69 yr old female with diverse sensations of hot and cold throughout her body.  She has tinnitus, chronic gastrointestinal symptoms and a medical history of many divers and unclear symptoms.


Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – The influence of hypothyroidism on other laboratory biomarkers

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – The concept of trial and error in clinical practice

- Additional Video – Letting the public know what you do through books, podcasts and social media.

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to perform and interpret exam of the abdomen

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Guarneri 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Ambridge

- Patient 7th Month Follow Up 


– 164 hours total of continuing education for the year




Jan 2023 - Module 14 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 27 yr old male suffering from chronic fatigue, maldigestion, depression and anxiety.  He has symptoms of fatigue 90% of the time and feels much worse after exercise.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Identifying ominous patterns on routine blood tests.

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – When to call it quits when a patient does not respond to treatment strategies.

- Additional Video – Change your schedule to accommodate changes in your life.

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to evaluate and interpret visual tracking of the eyes

- Clinical Expert Series Interview - Dr. Campbell

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Redd

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up    


– 8 hours total of continuing education


Feb 2023 - Module 15 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 39 yr old female patient complaining of physical fatigue, general weakness, hypothyroidism, chronic parasitic infections and severe cognitive fatigue. 

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Clinical application of the homeostatic model for insulin resistance

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Restricting certain conditions into your own clinical practice

- Additional Video – Identifying your own clinical bias

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to evaluate numbness in the hands associated with thoracic outlet syndrome

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Stepanenko 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Noseworthy

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up     - Patients 5th Month Follow Up


– 16 hours total of continuing education


Feb 2023 – Completed 12 hour course on Longevity and Wellness Optimization Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Aging, Longevity, and Wellness Medicine

- The Pathophysiology of Accelerated Aging

- Wellness and Longevity Risk Factors

- Preventive Medicine Nutraceuticals for Aging and Wellness

- Environmental, Dietary and Lifestyle Risk Factors that Impact Longevity

- How to Clinically Evaluate Longevity and Aging Risk Factors

- How to Clinically Manage Longevity and Aging Risk Factors

- Clinical Case Studies for Longevity and Wellness


– 28 hours total of continuing education


Mar 2023 - Module 16 - 9hr Case Study Grand Round: 62 yr old female suffering from acute bouts of trembling sensation, changes in voice strength, burping attacks, weakness and mental fatigue.  She has hypersensitivities to EMFs and struggles with chronic insomnia and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – How to evaluate a complete thyroid panel

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Discussing prognosis and the balance between prognosis and pessimism.

- Additional Video – Online practice resources to support your practice

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to evaluate the skin and its implications in a functional medicine evaluation. 

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Jones 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Flannery

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up     - Patients 2nd Month Follow Up

- Patients 6th Month Follow Up


– 37 hours total of continuing education


Apr 2023 - Module 17 - 9hr Case Study Grand Round: 75 yr old female suffering from severe episodes of abdominal pain, insomnia, fatigue, vertigo and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.  She suffers from daily episodes of anxiety, dizziness and abnormal limb muscle movements.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – How to identify serum renal markers

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Addressing issues with patient complaints

- Additional Video – Asking your patients to teach you

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to identify Parkinson’s Early

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Minich 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Sexena

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up     - Patients 5th Month Follow Up

- Patients 6th Month Follow Up


– 46 hours total of continuing education


May 2023 - Module 18 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 27 yr old suffering from fatigue and chronic bloating.  He is extremely reactive to foods, and simply drinking water induces massive distention of his abdomen.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – How to evaluate serum transaminases

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Addressing patients concerns for a cure

- Additional Video – Using medical dictation software

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to perform an exam of the mouth

- Clinical Expert Series Interview - Dr. Sandison

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Elyaman

- Patients 1st Month Follow Up     - Patients 2nd Month Follow Up


– 54 hours total of continuing education


May 2023 – Completed 12 hour course on Mood and Anxiety Disorders Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Mood and Anxiety Disorders

- Mood and Anxiety Neurology, Neurochemistry and Neuroendocrine-immunology

- The Physiological Web of Mood and Anxiety Disorders

- Nutraceuticals that Impact Brain Neurochemistry

- Environmental, Dietary and Lifestyle Risk Factors for Mood and Anxiety Disorders

- How to Clinically Evaluate Mood and Anxiety Disorders

- How to Clinically Manage Mood and Anxiety Disorders

- Clinical Case Studies of Mood Disorders


– 66 hours total of continuing education


Jun 2023 - Module 19 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 13 yr old girl diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases and childhood developmental disorders.  She exhibits impaired neurological development of her motor and sensory systems.  She suffers from chronic inflammation, inattentiveness, coordination difficulties, and chronic bloating and constipation.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – Serum fibrinogen and prothrombin time

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – Review patient files each day before you open

- Additional Video – Be aware of your own bias with nutraceuticals

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to identify dysautonomia during a physical exam

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Chandra 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Gafken

- Patient 1st Month Follow Up    


– 74 hours total of continuing education


July 2023 - Module 20 - 8hr Case Study Grand Round: 39 yr old female with vestibular migraines, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, and post surgical trigeminal neuropathy.  She has had extensive medical evaluations by specialists but they have not provided her with any strategies to resolve her conditions.

Concepts covered:

- Case Review    - Patient Interview  

- Laboratory Interpretation Clinical Pearls – How to evaluate the Fibrosis- 4 Score to evaluate fibrosis with routine laboratory markers.

- Patient History - Exam Findings

- Clinical Management Clinical Pearls – How to review laboratory results with your patients

- Additional Video - Remember your role in patient care.

- Treatment Plan Review  

- Physical Examination Skills Review – How to evaluate speech and identify underlying mechanisms of dysarthria. 

- Clinical Expert Series Interview – Dr. Malterre 

- Practice and Lifestyle Series Interview – Dr. Culleton


– 82 hours total of continuing education


Sept 2023 – Completed a 12 hour course on Childhood Developmental Disorders Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications by the Kharrazian Institute of continuing education.

Concepts covered:

- Introduction to Childhood Developmental Disorders

- Prenatal and Childhood Risk Factors for Developmental Disorders

- Dyslexia, Processing Disorders, and other Learning Disabilities

- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

- PANDAS/PANS, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Tourette’s Syndrome

- A Review of Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Childhood Developmental Disorders

- Clinical Case Studies of Childhood Developmental Disorders


– 94 hours total of continuing education for the year

-        Completed the required 100hrs towards the Clinical Case Studies – Grand Rounds portion of the Masters in Functional Medicine Program.


Office Management


Office Manager

Kimberly has been helping the practice for over 20 years with her extensive management background. She is responsible for the overall flow of the office. She helps manage and train the staff as well as optimize the office for maximum efficiency.

Office Staff

Carly & Rosie

Front Desk & New Patient Coordinator

Carly & Rosie are responsible for scheduling patients, accepting payment, ordering labs, placing patients on therapies, keeping the doctor on schedule and making sure the front office runs smoothly. They also help with the initial patient history, collecting all necessary information before the consultation with the doctor.